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Lord Most
Orig Key:G | New Key:

Title: Lord Most High

Key: G

Title: Lord Most High
Lord Most High

Key: G

Title: Lord Most High
By:    Don Harris and Gary Sadler
         D                           Dsus4       D
From the ends of the earth (From the ends of the earth)
         Asus2                       A
From the depths of the sea (From the depths of the sea)
From the heights of the heavens (From the heights of the heavens)
     G    D/G  G
Your name be praised
         D                            Dsus2         D
From the hearts of the weak (From the hearts of the weak)
         Asus2                          A
From the shouts of the strong (From the shouts of the strong)
From the lips of all people (From the lips of all people)
     G    D/G  G    A
This song we raise, Lord
D              G       A   A7sus4
Throughout the endless ages
D           G            A  A7sus4 Bm  G    Asus4 A
You will be crowned with praises, Lord Most High
D          G     A     A7sus4
Exalted in every nation
D            G      A    A7sus4
Sovereign of all creation
Bm   G    Asus4 A       G   D  G
Lord Most High, Be magnified...